When The Bars are lightly touched, they begin to release the thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs and limiting programs that no longer serve you. This process releases hundreds of thousands of points of view which are limiting you in different areas of your life and body. These areas include body, aging, healing, sexuality, money, joy, sadness, awareness, control, creativity, plus many more. What would it be like to have more freedom in all these areas? Having your Bars run tends to be a relaxing and nurturing process. At worst you'll feel like you've had a great massage. Best case scenario, your whole life will change into something greater with total ease! What is most often reported is that there is a sense of deep relaxation. Many people go to sleep – even in a very noisy environment. Some people have images come to them, others see colors, or feel sensations in their bodies such as buzzing, tingling, warmth, twitches or shivers. Everyone is different so there is no “normal” Access Bars session. Each session will be different, every time, even if you repeat with the same person. The best way to find out what Access Bars will be like for you is to try it for yourself!
The Bars are 32 unique energy points located on the head that correlate to different aspects and areas of life such as thoughts, attitudes and beliefs.
Running The Bars is a simple, non-invasive, energy process where the practitioner lightly touches each point on the head to release the energy. Receiving this process leaves you with a sense of peace and space; and a feeling there is more possibility open to you.
Health Benefits of Access Bars for the body and mind:
I have seen many positive results with running bars on children and teens, especially for these who have difficulties shutting off their brains therefore not being able to relax and finding themselves having anxiety, sleepless nights and difficulty concentrating at school.
if you are curious about the science behind it all check out this video with Dr Jeffery Fannin giving a review of the Access Bars.
This lead to a preliminary scientific study by leading neuroscientist, Dr Jeffery Fannin revealed the neurological benefits of Access Bars®.
By measuring brain waves before and after a Bars® session, Dr Fannin discovered that Access Bars® has a positive neurological effect. Similar to those experienced by advanced meditators – and it produces these results immediately.